

Watch all videos about Manfred Forschner and the genesis of his unique artworks now online!

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All videos about the German Artist Manfred Forschner:

The delightful violence of individuality

„The delightful violence of individuality, after ist funeral failed“ was created in 1983 at the Karlsruher Künstlerhaus. During this performance, the German artist Manfred Forschner rises from a palanquin-like coffin after destroying it from the inside, in order to create a new object from the broken pieces.

Browsing through an art watercolor book

‘Start with a drawn or painted diary’ – in this video, the fine art artist Manfred Forschner browses through an art watercolor book. You will also find ideas on monochrome images.

The people

You can see a video about the electronic foldable painting ‘The people’, produced by RTL in 1990.

Presentation of the breakthrough

‘Presentation of the breakthrough’ of 1979 – the German artist Manfred Forschner presents one of his foldable paintings. The foldable painting’s size of 80×40 cm can be expanded by folding it out through countless intermediate steps to a size of up to 250×205 cm.

The leprechaun of the art street